Seven speedy steps for when it's all too much...

Dec 04, 2020

OK you’re burning out, full to bursting with work, overwhelmed, exhausted and about to pop.

Time for a break!  And run through the following:

1: Have a glass of water, cup of tea, open the window, breathe some fresh air.

2: Write it all down. Whatever you have to do, whatever is bugging you, jobs, phone calls, decisions, stuff you should be doing!

Everything that is roaming around your brain

3 Now. Focus.

Take off the list anything that is not urgent, things that will ultimately get done regardless, things that actually you can do nothing about.


4: Have a think - who can help? Think outside the box. Colleagues? Friends? Someone down the street?


5: Ask yourself:

Could anyone do this for me?

Would it save time and energy to hand something over to someone else?

Which things can I safely delegate?


6: Now go ask people!

The worst that can happen is that they say no. And remember - you would always help them out and would never mind being asked.

7: Ok back to what’s left on your list after delegating.


What do you need to do right now?

What could be done later or even tomorrow?


Time for a pat on the back and a quick breather. Walk outside, relax. You’ve got things sorted, all will be well and you need a short break.

Feeling refreshed, go back and work through your list according to how you prioritised things.


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