Time to Speak Up

Aug 03, 2020

 Powerful Women Needed…

The empowerment of women - we often talk about this, why is it so important? 

 It's important because women have strong voices that we need to use. Why don't we speak up more? What holds us back?

Perhaps we feel inadequate or afraid that we will be judged if we speak up. There's a huge 'don't rock the boat mentality' - but to what end?

If we say nothing, do nothing, then nothing in this world will change. So we need to speak our opinions and argue for causes we believe in and debate and encourage each other and SPEAK UP.

Women have such wisdom and  huge powers of communication. We work best when we work in collaboration; sharing our ideas and beliefs is natural for us.

So is it fear then that holds us back?

Sure. it takes courage to voice opinions when society can be judgemental. For example men who speak up are considered strong, authoritative, in command. Whereas women may be judged as noisy, difficult, opinionated. And of course we care what people think.   

Or do we? 

Hasn't the time has come to stop worrying about what other people think - it's so much more important to be brave, to bear witness, to speak out at wrong doings and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Whose opinion really matters to you?  The people who you care about. And they love you for your strength and wisdom. And they will love you even more for your courage.

Lose the fear of speaking out. Be dignified, be brave, be strong. The world needs us to take responsibility. As the Dalai Lama said

"The world will be saved by the Western Woman."

 Western women because we have access to technology and education and funds. Women because of our humanity, our ability to assess situations and needs wisely and  calmly, our communication skills, our ability to share, our organisational skills and not just at work - observe any women running a home and family.  

And women because of our ability to bring understanding and compassion, now needed globally more than ever.

We have a duty, a responsibility to stand up and speak out. We are powerful. Let's use that power.

What do you need? Motivation and support? A bit of a kick to get you going?

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